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South Yorkshire Airsoft - 30/03/2008

First part of the Sierra Leone battle, spread over a number of skirmish days at South Yorkshire Airsoft. Day one found Team AKA on the side of the Rebels, a ragtag bunch of misfits lead by Bouna Gary (Warlock). The British were commanded by Sean and wore variants of Dessie DPM and Digicam. The whole event was mission driver, each mission outcome effecting the progress of the next, game play was fast, tense and very exciting. Tactically the missions seemed to flow in fits and starts, it soon became apparent that communications were essential to keep the game flowing consistently. That said the day was enjoyed by everyone immensely, it was well organised and most importantly great fun...

The Rebels seemed to get the upper hand on the day.

Unfortunately everyone was so busy enjoying themselves that no images were taken...shame, not!