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Pheonix Airsoft - 24/08/2008

Our first time at Phoenix Airsoft's woodland site turned out to be a cracking day out...

Arriving at the car park we were presented with a sandwich van that supplied as much bacon butties and hot tea or coffee as you could drink and for a very reasonable price, they were open all day too. After a short trek up the hillside we arrived at base camp (the safety zone) where kit was stashed, this area was central and used as a between game ammo/supply dump, its simple and basic but adds to the feel of the area being a recess in the top of the hillside. About thirty players turned up which meant your resources were limited (no dead wood) so the teams were forced to gel and communicate, every man counted.  The use of medics also added to this. The games themselves were well thought out, simple and achievable specifying objectives and time limits for both teams in attack/defend scenarios.

Team AKA at Phoenix Airsoft - Stig, Legs, Trig and Dewey.

Now for the silly bit:

Stigarina practices her sexy Arabian dancing for the troops, Hurrah!!!

Trig tucks into dinner #2, they brought a skip for the rubbish..

Suites you sir....och!
Looking over his shoulder all doey eyed, does he want it sir?, does he?, does he?

Phoenix Airsoft have two other sites, looking forward to playing at them...cheers guys.